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Crown Estate 25% percent today!!!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Fort Worth, TX 76112 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 22
10am to 5pm
Nov 23
9am to 5pm
Nov 24
9am to 5pm

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 Terms & Conditions
25% off today CASH OR Credit Card w 4 % Fee. Credit or Debit purchases must be st least 20.00. Crown Estate nor home owner are responsible for accidents. There will be no one available to lift purchases. We have names/phone numbers of available movers. Please have a completed Texas Resale form to leave with us. Access could be limited.

 Description & Details

Please bring completed sales tax to leave. No large bags please Russell Woodard and Salterini Wrought Iron patio furniture Concrete Statues Beautiful Mirrors Mid Century Matson perfumes and vanity items Omega constellation chronometer Oil paintings Oriental including pair of vases, foot bath, ginger jars etc. French Privincial Furniture Large armoire w matching bed and night stands Large Selection of Crystal Baldwin Aerosonic piano Antique Antirons China Thomasville Cabinet Vintage Toys Vintage Christmas Brass Cookware to include Le Creuset Angel Collection to include Serephin Pair Oriental Chests Dining Room Furniture Lots of brand new Linens Side by side refrigerator Washer and...

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