Full House in Watauga

estate sale3 day sale 3 days remaining
Mar 13
9am to 3pm
Mar 14
9am to 3pm
Mar 15
9am to 3pm
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 Description & Details

Full house Ladies Desk Hisense Roku Tv Metal Futon and a wood Futon also. Lift Chair Roos Cedar Chest Kitchen table with 4 chairs and bench Several bookshelves including one new in box Display Case Misc Shelves and tables Buffet Lamps Chest and night stands Kenmore side by side and a Garage fridge Whirlpool duet washer and dryer Misc Glass including a few piece of Uranium Glass Charming Tails Misc collection and misc figurines Christmas items including vintage ornaments, Easter, and Halloween Books including mystery,Sports, and Milatary Needlepoint supplies Quilt pieces Presidential tokenes Clothes including some vintages pieces and children's...

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