Estate Sale. Pictures will be updated daily.

estate sale3 day sale 8 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Poteet, TX 78065 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 20th, 2025.
Mar 21
9am to 4pm
Mar 22
9am to 4pm
Mar 23
8am to 1pm


Cash Only. Please bring help to load larger items, Not Responsible for Accidents.

If items are larger, you may need to wait until the end of the day or Sunday to pick up your item. This is for safety.

This estate sale has tens of thousands of items (All from a smoke freehouse), large and small, including, but not limited to, the following:


Riding lawnmower and push mower

Vintage, costume, and precious-stoned jewelry 

Leather couch and a Fabric sectional

Formal dining table and kitchen table

Multiple appliances to include refrigerators

Mountain Bicycles

Home decor

Vintage dart board with darts, other games

Vinyls, CDs, and DVDs

Multiple TVs

Bedroom furniture

  • Unique Aviation headboard and footlocker
  • King size bedframe with sleep number mattress
  • Multiple dressers

Sports memorabilia

  • Cowboys
  • San Antonio Spurs

Men and women's clothing/shoes

Kitchenware and cookware

BBQ grill



Wine cabinet

Solid wood hutch with lighting

Silver items 

Coins/Coin collection 







Lighted, solid wood hutch, vintage Christmas ornaments, collectable ornaments, wood ducks, fluteCollectible stamps, coins, dart board, darts, wide range of ammoDarts board, darts, coin collection PS4 game console with 5 remotes, comic books, Disney vinylsAmmoSports memorabilia Pocket knives and vintage pinsSale PictureMultiple framed paintings and picturesAnimal mounts, side table, miscellaneous home itemsFabric sectionalFabric sectional, miscellaneous home decorMen and women's clothing, shoes, sandals, boots, handbags, army desert uniforms ElectronicsElectronics Aviation headboard, footlocker, cedar chest, hutch, matching dresser with mirror, bedside tables, chest of drawersVintage lanterns, Mason and Shriners items, inflatable matressesFishing tackles, poles, and boxes. Vintage lures.Fishing gearFishing rods Diamond plateGrandfather clockTV, games console, TV Cabinet, vinyls, vintage pins, pocket knivesToolboxes with various toolsSale PictureSale PictureKitchen refrigerator with ice and water dispenser Sale PictureTroybilt riding mower, children's picnic tableToy chest, outdoor table and chairs, grillSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale Picture

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