Boat Shop Auction

auction1 day sale 13 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Seguin, TX 78155 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, March 21st, 2025.
Mar 22

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 Terms & Conditions
Live Auction. Bring help to load items. Not responsible for accidents.
Credit Cards and cash only. 16% buyers premium , 4% discount using cash.
Tim Orcutt Auctioneer Lic#16501
 Description & Details

Boat Shop Auction is live on March 22nd. Preview is at 8:00 AM and sale starts at 9:00 AM. Pickup is on Sale day and Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 PM. We are selling a Honda Shadow Spirit motorcycle, GMC 1950 restored Truck, several boats, watercrafts, trailers, Club Car Gas golf cart, working Coca Cola machine, outboard motors, trolling motors, air compressors, Arcan shop press 40,000, drill press, Miller welding machine, motor lifts, big shop fan, bench grinder, chain saw, side by side Kichen aid Refrigerator works, Whirlpool refrigerator works, table router, motorcycle saddle bags, Craftsman Radial saw, Antique drill press,...

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