I Love Texas Estate Sale in Temple
We accept cash or cards. Please bring helpers to move furniture. We are not responsible for accidents. Please be respectful to neighbors when parking. There are times when the family changes their mind about selling something and removes it from the sale. We have no control over this but we will remove any pictures of said items immediately if that happens.

More pictures will be added Wednesday.
This week's estate sale is a true Texan! We have everything from a giant Texas flag to a Texas Themed tall rustic cooler and even a Texas Longhorn Pool Table. Here is a list of some of the items we have for sale.
Formal Dining Table with 6 Chairs with Matching China Cabinet & Buffet
Wash Stand
Duel Reclining Sofa
Texas Longhorn Pool Table
Gaming Table with 4 Chairs on Casters
TV Stand
Vintage Speakers
Bar Stools
Bar Glasses
Bar Items
Noritake China Set-Rothchild
Kitchen Items
Pots & Pans
Sewing Machine-Featherweight & Regular
Teddy Bears
Queen Sized Beds
Dresser & Nightstand
Wooden Desk
Mens & Ladies Clothing
Mens Shoes & Boots
Lawn Equipment
Patio Furniture
Plus sooo much more!

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