Wonderful in Waco

estate sale3 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Waco, TX 76708 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025.
Jan 23
9am to 2pm
Jan 24
9am to 2pm
Jan 25
9am to 1pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Please bring additional help to help load big, heavy items as we don't have help available to load heavy furniture. Sometimes the family changes their mind about an item for sale, we have no control over this and we hope you understand. When this happens we attempt to remove it as quickly as possible.
Please bring appropriate additional help for loading of big, heavy items as we are not able to help in loading.
 Description & Details

Nice, clean, big estate sale. House is full of something for everyone. Garage and 2 story storage building are full! Definitely make plans to attend this sale. You won’t be disappointed! Antique furniture Quilts Beautiful Armoire, with key Tools (air compressor, Craftsman riding mower, push mower, wood chipper, table saw, hand tools, power tools, shovels, rakes, etc) Gas blower, weed eater, and chainsaw Miter saw Lawn spreader Filing cabinets Shovel, rake, axe, and more Outdoor patio furniture Yard art Pots 2 outdoor swings Huge lava rocks Huge collection of calligraphy supplies Televisions, DVD players and VHS players Jewelry Antique 4...

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