Hickory UPDATED! - Collectibles Household Items Records Funko Pops Tools Audio Gear Trains & More!

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
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    Parking is available on the left of the driveway / side yard. Street parking is also available. 
Mar 21
9am to 3pm
Mar 22
9am to 3pm
Mar 23
9am to 3pm
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READ!!! We are not responsible for accidents, injury as the grounds are potentially hazardous. By en...
 Description & Details

This is combination of an estate sale / moving downsizing sale. There will be areas that are not part of the sale and will be marked "No Entry" and some items that are on the property will also be marked "Not For Sale" There is still plenty for everyone. This sale represents both the estate of a friend lost and his widow and effects from her family collected over generations. There are antiques, collectibles and a nice mix of modern and vintage items. If you can't find something to take home from here, you haven't looked hard enough! A brief...

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