Anna's Jewelry & Collectibles Estate Auction Located In Chesapeake VA
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There is a 15% Buyers Premium For This Auction. Items Close at a Rate of 5 Items Every 2 Minutes in Catalog Order Beginning at 6:00pm. Shipping Available! SHIPPING CUSTOMERS!! THE SHIPPER WILL BE PICKING UP ITEMS AT 11AM ON REMOVAL DAY. Shipping Customers must reply to your invoice before the removal date and state "I RELEASE MY ITEMS FOR SHIPMENT." Invoices over $500 will require a copy of the account holders drivers license and credit card used for purchase. WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU IN WRITING BEFORE THE REMOVAL TO ENSURE YOUR ITEMS ARE SHIPPED. PLEASE EMAIL US AT PEOPLESAUCTIONONLINE@GMAIL.COM.

Anna's Jewelry & Collectibles Estate Auction Located In Chesapeake VA
To Visit The Auction Click On This Link-
Dive into a world of vintage charm and collectible treasures at this online auction! Discover a stunning array of glass and ceramic collectibles, featuring exquisite pieces from renowned makers like Fenton and Hull. Adorn yourself with dazzling women's costume and sterling jewelry, perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to any collection. Relive childhood memories with a selection of vintage toys, and explore the captivating world of comics and postcards. Music enthusiasts can browse through a variety of record albums, while readers can delve into vintage magazines. This auction offers a delightful mix of nostalgic and elegant items, perfect for collectors and anyone seeking unique finds.
724 Woodcott Dr Chesapeake, VA 23322
Starts Closing
Mar 31, 2025, 6:00 PM
By Apptointment Only, Call Paul At (757)635-4210
Saturday, March 29, 2025 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2025 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
There is a 15% Buyers Premium For This Auction. Items Close at a Rate of 5 Items Every 2 Minute in Catalog Order Beginning at 6:00pm. Shipping Available! SHIPPING CUSTOMERS!! THE SHIPPER WILL BE PICKING UP ITEMS AT 11AM ON REMOVAL DAY. Shipping Customers must reply to your invoice before the removal date and state "I RELEASE MY ITEMS FOR SHIPMENT." Invoices over $500 will require a copy of the account holders drivers license and credit card used for purchase. WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU IN WRITING BEFORE THE REMOVAL TO ENSURE YOUR ITEMS ARE SHIPPED. PLEASE EMAIL US AT PEOPLESAUCTIONONLINE@GMAIL.COM.
VAF #527 NCF #8366

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