January Fine and Decorative Arts Auction

online only auction1 day sale 6 days away
  • Location Falls Church, VA 22046

Sale Starts

Jan 24

Sale Ends

Jan 24
American cast iron three tiered garden fountain.

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 Description & Details

Quinn's Auction Galleries is proud to present the Fine and Decorative Arts Auction featuring Asian, American, European, and Modern arts. Offering a fine selection of American portraiture and works by Ernst Hugo von Stenglin, Peter Waddell, Adolf Baumgartner and Arthur Macdonald. Featuring fine prints and etchings from Frederick Mershimer, John Taylor Arms, Joan Miro and Salvador Dali. A collection of antique furniture including a Patton & Jones Philadelphia tall case clock, a three tier cast iron garden fountain, an English secretaire bookcase, and an American Rococo Revival half tester bed. Also, a variety of fine jewelry including necklaces, bracelets, rings...

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