Spring Rare Book, Print and Americana Auction

online only auction1 day sale 12 days away
  • Location Falls Church, VA 22046

Sale Starts

Apr 10

Sale Ends

Apr 10


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Quinn's Auction Galleries is proud to present our Spring Rare Book, Print, and Americana Auction. Featuring signed books by Kurt Vonnegut; Francois Truffaut and Alfred Hitchcock; Rad Bradbury; Richard Avedon, and over half a dozen signed presidential biographies. Also, first editions of such classic literature as Nineteen Eighty-Four and Alice and Wonderland; fine bindings; works on paper by Albrecht Durer and Giovanni Battista Piranesi; naturalist prints; and much more. Also included are photographs, letters and manuscripts, many from the Civil War; among them, an exceptionally unusual 1847 dual Autograph Letter Signed, featuring, on single sheet, a letter penned by a young James Edwin Slaughter, later to serve as a Confederate General under P.G.T. Beauregard; on verso is a lengthy letter from Gen. Slaughter?s 89 year old grandfather Capt. Philip Pendleton Slaughter, a Revolutionary War veteran who served under Washington at Valley Forge. Lastly, we have several impressive multivolume sets, including Jared Sparks? 12 Volume Writings of George Washington, the 40 volume Autograph Edition of the Works of Washington Irving, and quite significantly, a first edition of St John Philby?s landmark 2 volume work, In the Heart of Arabia. For a condition report or any questions, please contact diana@quinnsauction.com. For a third party shipping list and other shipping inquiries, please email shipping@quinnsauction.com.
37 Vols. The Plays of William Shakespeare.24 Vols. The Works William Makepeace Thackeray.25+ Vols. 19th C. B&O Railroad Reports, Ephemera.The Maltese Falcon. Signed.Manual...Fire Department of the City of Richmond.2 Vols. Trial of John H. Surratt.20 Vols. Works of Thomas Carlyle.Biographical Memoirs of Adam Smith.3 Vols. Indian Tribes of North America.2 Vols. Science des Armoires.Central and Eastern Arabia.Fire Fighters and Their PetsThe Unique Ibn Al-Bawwab Manuscript.Costantinopoli di E. De AmicisMissions [of Jesuits] en Nouvelle France 1666-67Dizionario Bibliografico Iconografico / San MarinoThe History of the Saracens4 Vols. The Female Spectator.2 Vols. Experimental Researches in Electricity.Our Wild Flowers.Dictionary of Practical Surgery.The Beautiful and Damned.Lettre A Mon Peintre. Raoul Dufy.The Masters of Wood-Engraving. Signed.2 Vols. Blake and Tradition.Longfellow Portfolio. Edition de Luxe.A Treatise on Painting.Russkii Revolutsionnyi Plakat. 1925.One Hundred Scenes of Kobe.Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.6 Vols. Franklin Library. Signed.16 Vols. Franklin Library.8 Vols. Franklin Library.8 Vols. Franklin Library.8 Vols. Franklin Library.8 Vols. Franklin Library.8 Vols. Franklin Library.Hocus Pocus. Signed.Chinese Gung Fu.2 Vols. A Million and One Nights.2 Vols. In the Heart of Arabia.Atlas National Illustre ... de la FranceThe Affluent Society.The Road Goes Ever On. A Song Cycle.A Tramp Abroad.The Elements of Style.Love's Labors Lost.Nineteen Eighty-Four.The Innocents Abroad.2 Vols. On Philby.The Tower.Select Conversations with an Uncle.A General Introduction to PsychoanalysisTeenage Styles and Trends 1967-71:  A RetrospectAlice's Adventures in WonderlandOrdres Equestres Pontificaux.The Slave Trade, Domestic and Foreign.Orlando.1732 MacCurtin and Begley English Irish DictionaryRatione Status in...Romano-Germanico.Summary of the Law of Nations. Law9 Vols. The Works of Shakespear.6 Vols. The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff.8 Vols. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.15 vols. The Works of Samuel Johnson.8 Vols. The Spectator.A Treatise Concerning...Human Knowledge.1776 Annual Register.The Nuremberg Chronicle.8 Vols. Platonis Opera.She Stoops to Conquer.Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jours.Shakespear's Comedies ... reproduced in facsimile.The Merry Adventures of Robin HoodLes Quatrains de Kheyam.Biography and History of the Indians of N. AmericaDodsley's Select Fables of Esop & other Fabulists1635 New Testament Rheims Version.Goethe: Two Addresses by Albert Schweitzer. SignedTruman Speaks. Signed.2 Vols. Memoirs. Signed.Sapphira and the Slave Girl. Signed.4 Michael Arlen First Editions. Signed.The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin. Signed.The Negro in Art. Signed.4 Vols. Roycrofters Works. Signed.November Twenty Six Nineteen.. Sixty Three. Signed2 Vols. Thomas Mosher Press. Signed.Avedon Photographs 1947-1977. Signed.Burmese Days.Men From Earth. Signed.An Essay on Man. Signed.Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay Signed Cover.John Hay Inscribed Photograph to T.W. Cridlen.John Dix Stock Certificate Signed as RR PresidentReport of the Warren Commission. Signed.The Ghastly Dew. Inscribed to Hitler.Mutt and Jeff Cartoons. Inscribed to Edison.Slaughterhouse-Five. Signed.Lincoln Collector. Signed.The Works of H.G. Wells. Signed.Fahrenheit 451. Signed.Horst. Signed.Tales of the South Pacific. Signed.The Producers. Signed.Horace Greeley Autograph Letter Signed, 1872.David Sarnoff Typed Letter Signed, 1955.40 Vols. Irving Works. Author's Autograph Edition.Apollo 13. Signed.Y & X. Signed.No Prisoners. Signed.Hitchcock. Signed.The Name Above the Title. Signed.Twenty Years on Broadway. Signed.As It Happened, a Memoir. Signed.The Radio Industry .... Signed.The Kalmar Ruby Song Book. SignedOn the Edge of the Primeval Forest. Signed.Mr. Citizen. Signed.The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson. Signed.Profile in Courage. Signed.Why England Slept. Signed.2 Vols. On Jimmy Carter. Signed.All the President's Men. Signed.Woodrow Wilson Presidential Signed DocumentAmerican Express Company Signed Stocks2 Vols. The Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant.12 Vols. The Writings of George Washington.2 Vols. Baist's Atlas of Washington D.C.Atlas zu der Reise im nordlichen Afrika.Carta dell' Ultimo Viaggio del Capitano KookCarte de la Mer Pacifique du Nord.Main Chain Of The Rocky Mountains.McClellan's Own Story.CSA Gen J.E. Slaughter ALS w/ Continental Army ALSMilitary Instruction from the Late King of Prussia1863 Union Colonel Donn Piatt ALS to John CreswellUnion General Henry Goldsborough Civil War ALS LotCSA General James Edwin Slaughter Pocket Diary.Union General Henry Goldsborough Civil War ALS LotConfederate Records of the Subsistence Department.Manual of Bayonet Exercise.World War Casualties from Gas. Signed.Corregidor: Isle of Delusion.United We Are Strong. United We Fail.1750 King George II Letter Patent under Great SealThe Senator. With Washington Monument AnnouncementThe Annual Register...for the Year 1776.1904 Wireless Telegraph Co. Stock Certificate.1858 Property Deed County Cork Ireland.Images D'Ethnographie RoumaineTom Thumb Wedding CDV.Troschel, "Early Dressage," c. 1690, Engraving.Wohlgemuth, "Ultima Etas Mundi,"1493, Woodblock.After Holbein, "Waggoner," 1788, Etching.de Bry, "Adam and Eve In The Garden of Eden," 1590Durer, 'The Holy Family With The Three Hares."Cranach, "The Aeneid," Woodcut, 1517.de Bry, "Noah's Ark," Engraving.3 Plates from La Methode et Invention..." 1657.2 Piranesi Engravings.2 Piranesi Etchings of Rome.Piranesi, "View of the Remains...Hadrian's Villa."Piranesi,"Scenographia Campi Martii,"Rocheburne, "Staircase...Chateau Chambord." 1872.18th C. Prevost d'Exiles Engraving of BuffaloCatesby, "Copper-bellied Snake."Two 18th C Catesby Wild Pine Grunt Fish EngravingsTwo 18th C. Catesby Squirrel Engravings.Two 18th C. Albin Caterpillar Engravings.Two 18th. C. Albin Caterpillar Engravings.Five 18th C. Albin Hand Colored Bird Engravings.Five 19th C. Wilson Hand Colored Bird Engravings.18th C. Catesby Pl. 70 Gallinule Bird Engraving.Seven 18th C. Geo. Edwards Hand Colored Engravings19th C. Selby Wild Duck Pl. 50 Engraving.Two 18th C. Knorr Sea Life Engravings.Two 18th C. Catesby Bird Engravings.18th C. Catesby The Small Nuthatch T. 22 EngravingThree 18th C. Nozeman Bird Engravings with Text.3 Daguerreotypes In Cases.

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