03/12: Gallery Online Estate Auction Richmond VA
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03/12/25: Gallery Online Estate Auction Richmond VA 23294
Arne Jacobsen design egg chairs with matching footstools and contemporary design furnishings, solid walnut corner display cabinet and inlaid mahogany gaming table, Henkel Harris solid cherry bedroom, dining and living room including king and queen size beds, dressers and nightstands, chest on chest and more, Ethan Allen dining table and Wynwood bedroom suite, sterling silver flat and hollow wares and fine jewelry, vintage ladies and gents wristwatches and a collection of antique Railroad Grade and other pocket watches, US and foreign coins including graded Morgan dollars, a collection of militaria including British German and American bayonets and swords, rifle and hand gun ammunition – various calibers incl 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm, .38Spc, .45 Colt. 50 caliber BMG and others, rifle scopes optics and other firearm accessories, original oil paintings, watercolors and limited edition prints, lots of fiction and non-fiction books, Keuffel & Esser brass nautical sextant and ships compass, 19thC stoneware crocks with cobalt decoration, small kitchen appliances incl KitchenAid stand mixer, rare cast iron incl Griswold #5 oval roaster, Wagner skillets, and chicken fryer with dome cover, Royal Doulton "Prelude" and Lenox "Belvedere" china, Madame Alexander dolls and accessories, antique duck decoys and German steins, audiovisual components incl Garrad turntables, Fontanini nativity figures and estate collectibles, vintage vinyl LP records and 78s, CDs and DVDs, toys and games, concrete garden benches and planters, metal patio furniture and 1930’s German made "Kinderwagen", Zippo lighters, Topps trading cards and sports collectibles, general consignments and much more!
Preview: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 4pm at 9125 W. Broad St, Richmond VA 23294. If you require a condition report by telephone, please call 804-325-8598.
Pickup: Thursday 03/13 and Friday 03/14 from 9am to 6pm at 9125 W. Broad St, Richmond, VA 23294. There will be no Saturday pickup. Please bring your own labor, tools, and materials for packing and moving, as Cannon's Auctions will not be able to assist in moving and loading items at pickup.
Payment: By credit or debit card, direct deposit, or bank check, please. We do not accept cash payments. *** Buyer's premium of 18% and VA sales tax of 6% will be added to your invoice ***
Questions about this auction? Please call our gallery at 804-325-8598

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