Kent Keepsakes, Vintage, Collectables and Mobility Devices
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Sign Up Today! This estate auction for our client showcases her diverse hobbies and interests with a love for reading, travel, antiques, and crafting unique greeting cards. She had cultivated an eye for beauty and a love for collecting art, crystals, and other unique delights. Here is a glimpse of what awaits in the auction: GLASSWARE and COLLECTABLES Princess House crystal and glassware, Anchor Hocking uranium glass, Bradford Exchange by Ted Blaylock eagle collection, Mikasa crystal, Corelle dishes, PartyLite candles and accessories, vintage PYREX FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD and ART Gregory Furniture Mfg . antique buffet, Invacare Zoom 400 scooter chair, antique side tables, wood...
Wright Estate Company LLC
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