Marysville EAMES MCM Asian Antiques MUSICAL Instruments TOYS Clothes++
Please park legally! Please be kind to neighbors. Sign up sheet is outside on front porch . Tenants on site--do not disturb the residents.
HOUSE is ALARMED. Please bring your own help to move your purchases. Staff is required inside the house. We post a list as a favor for you. Please sign and take a picture of your place on the list . Please try to remember your order of entry. We reserve the right to deny entry/service to any person that should cause any sort of disturbance. Bring your own bags, boxes and wrap--we will have some, but not much. Arrive prepared to dig! Cash & credit only--Please bring resale certificate if you are non-taxable--YOU MUST HAVE A CURRENT HARD COPY OF YOUR RESELLER'S PERMIT THAT YOU CAN LEAVE WITH US! (This is now a requirement for every sale, so please no exceptions.)
Sunday everything is 50% off!

Something for everyone at our fabulous Marysville sale.
This is a big one, the family didn't throw anything away! It's definitely worth a trip:
MCM furniture and decor+i Including Eames chairs, Denby Camelot pottery, Alessi tea kettle, Waterford Crystal
Asian & other ethnic furniture and antiques
Vintage toys and books - Star Wars, Fisher Price, Tonka, stuffed animals, Seuss, Vintage Scholastic books
Musical instruments and audio equipment, violin, cello, mikes, sheet music
Vintage & contemporary clothing - high quality corporate corp skirt suits, 1970s Italian red leather trench coat, vintage Maple Valley athletic wear, jackets
Sewing items, serger, sewing machine
Cannondale bikes
High end kitchen gear - black KitchenAid stand mixer, Cuisinart pans, lots of kitchen tools
Tons of practical items - office supplies, cleaning items, some food
Please check back, especially in the photos... We are finding more and more!!

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