zSeward Park Asian Art, Pottery & Stoneware

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
  • Directions
    Please scatter park on the street, and better to park along Adams (cross street) which is less trafficked. We will coordinate large load outs through the garage. 
Jan 17
10am to 4pm
Jan 18
10am to 4pm
Jan 19
9am to 3pm
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 Description & Details

Estate Sale of life-long Seattleite-Asian influence, Art, Pottery and Stoneware. Waitlist pre-signup here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A45A9AB29A6F4C61-54388072-seward Highlights include: Extensive and elaborate hand-made Stoneware and pottery Artists represented include: Aimee Ceramics, Bill Campbell, Crystal O'boyle Pottery, Darryl Hancock, Lynn D. Studios, Susan Hyde Designs, Pacific Stoneware Inc., 1971, Vintage McAuliffe Pottery, Matthew Patton-Orcas Island Pottery, Dai Giang Ngyuen fine art (famous for "Upside down" art movement, Framed Peter Kitchell print.,, Kitchen appliances: Rival Crockpot, Cuisinart Crockpot and toaster, Zojirushi rice cooker, Farberware electric wok, Presto Cool Daddy, Cuisinart Toaster, Vintage Japanese lacquered wooden rice pot and servicing dishes, and general cooking tools and...

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