A Very Merry Holiday Sale

moved offsite to store1 day sale 3 days away
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Seattle, WA 98133 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, December 13th, 2024.
Dec 14
12pm to 5pm
Lots of tree trimming and ornaments

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept Cash, Credit Cards and Venmo. Tax charged except for resellers with proper paperwork. **Bring Help and hand cart/ with wheels and shipping blankets to Load Large Items, ** Not Responsible for Accidents, Falls, Injuries, broken items, etc. North Seattle/Shoreline
 Description & Details

The Holiday Elves have been busy putting together last minute gifts 🎁 and special one of a kind vintage and antique items for your gift giving! Do you have that one person who has everything that you just cant seem to shop for? Count on us to provide the most unique items imaginable for memorable gifts! Plus, we're providing all the comforts of home to deck the halls: Wreaths, gilt tea lights, dning tables, chairs, bedframes, fine art and modern art, fine china, decor items, designer clothing, bric a brac, holiday decor, jewelry, cook books, amazing lighting options and lamps,...

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