She Sells Seashells Estate Services

Poway, CA 92064
Company Memberships

🌊 🐚 We come in and help you get to an end goal. We do everything from fair market appraisals to whole house liquidations. We have even been known to tackle getting you organized. We are a Female Veteran Owned Business with many years experience. Most of our referrals come from word of mouth. Our reference list is long. Our Mission is to get you more than you expect and on your way to a lighter day.
We pass along the story that goes with your families cherished collections. Seashells are treasures we collect, they all have a story. Once a house, now a pleasure to the hands of another.
🌊 🐚 

It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 369.

Our Sales

Dec 18, 21
9am to 1pm (Wed) Starts tomorrow

Rancho Bernardo Antique Quickie

Listed by She Sells Seashells Estate Services Last modified 2 Days ago. 116 Pictures Total.

12329 Tesoro Court
San Diego, CA 92128
12/18 9am to 1pm (Wed)
12/21 9am to 3pm (Sat)
12329 Tesoro Court
San Diego, CA 92128

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