J&K Fleas An'Tiques

Madison, GA 30650
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We began in 1993 with a shop in Milledgeville Ga.  We grew to seven stores in addition to doing estate sales.   After the economy tanked in 2008-09 we went down to three stores consolidating the different types of stores into antique malls.  Still going strong!  Our estate business has been booming now for four years.  We use to only do sales for our customers and their families.  We branched out to doing sales for real estate agents, lawyers, and probate courts.   Most of the sales we get are from referrals but we will gladly take sales from new clients that may be reaching out to several companies to interview before making a decision. 

It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 2144.

Our Sales

Feb 21, 22
1pm to 4pm (Fri) Starting today!

North Park Subdivision Estate Sale

Listed by J&K Fleas An'Tiques Last modified 1 Hour ago. 88 Pictures Total.

1453 Reagan Circle
Conyers, GA 30012
2/21 1pm to 4pm (Fri)
2/22 10am to 2pm (Sat)
1453 Reagan Circle
Conyers, GA 30012

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