We are the premier estate sale company in Maryland. We have been in constant business since 1975 and our motto is simple:
Take care of your clients and they, in turn, will ensure your future success. Our specialty, is individualized service for better quality estates. Unlike other companies, we are selective of our clients to ensure we can make them the maximum profit whether it be via an estate sale or by auction if the value of the estate does not merit the service of an estate sale.
Our specialty is to come into your home and transform it into a high end gift store by organizing, researching all items, staging and then pricing all items with string tags and custom price labels. We bring in tables with full length matching table cloths and a full cashier stand with custom showcases with locks to protect your valuables. We do not slap painters tape on your items as 99% of the "other" companies do, which makes it look like a cheap inside yard sale. Higher end staging translates into much higher profits for the owner due to our extensive 40+ years of knowledge in all items of value. Our team is composed of a highly talented and thoroughly trained team with backgrounds in every aspect of business, such as: CPA, Attorney, Accountant, Contracting Expert, Retail store owner, Real Estate Experts, Licensed School Teachers, and many other reputable fields. How many other companies have these credentials? The owner of this business performs estate sales as a full time business and takes it very seriously. Our caring clearly shows in every aspect of our commitment to you.
We are Graduate Gemologists from the Gemological Institute of America and are professional researchers and appraisers of all real property as well as automobiles, jewelry, boats, exotic cars, coins, valuable artwork, and antiques of every kind!
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 2149.