Easy Estate Liquidations
Deale, MD 20751
Easy Estate Liquidations has Pam Parks working for you. In November 1996, Pam went to Missouri Auction school to become an Auctioneer. We built a local auction company & had successful auctions for many years. Due to life changes, we had to stop the auctions. In the spring of 2011, a friend needed help to liquidate a local estate. We did an "on site" Estate Sale and this started "Easy Estate Liquidations". We named it "Easy" because we make it "EASY" for our clients.
- We meet with our clients at the location where the sale is to be held.
- We go over their needs and expectations of the sale.
- We go through everything, price & stage, and have your sale.
- We also can help with any remaining items after the sale.
- We make it "EASY" for YOU!!
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 3112.
Our Sales
Feb 21, 22, 23
10am to 3pm (Fri)
Starting today!
Listed by
Easy Estate Liquidations
Last modified 17 Hours ago. 156 Pictures Total.
6005 Tracy's Landing Rd.
Tracys Landing, MD 20779
2/21 10am to 3pm (Fri)
2/22 10am to 3pm (Sat)
2/23 10am to 2pm (Sun)
6005 Tracy's Landing Rd.
Tracys Landing,
MD 20779
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