Flier Family Auctions
Saint Louis, MO 63125
Flier Family Auctions provides superior customer service to every customer by going above and beyond on each job. We offer apprasial services for personal property for tax or sale purposes. We will organize your estate sale from start to finish, including removing the unsold items from the property. If you need a clean-out of a property, we do that as well. We also offer live auctions and provide auction services to charitable organizations. Flier Family Auctions is committed to providing any of our services tailored to your individual needs. Contact us today for a personalized experience to make your sale or auction a success.
Indiana Auctioneer License# AU12300027
Illinois Auctioneer License# 441002729
This sale description was copied from EstateSales.NET on 2/22/2025 (51-233-5:54:31 AM). Please check there for accurate up-to-date information (117-18).
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