Thank you for visiting O.N.E.
Whether you are moving/relocating or settling the estate of a loved one, we understand it is a highly stressful and emotional time. Once Is Never Enough (OINE), a professional estate/moving sale liquidator, is empathetic during this time and exists to ensure you sell as much of the inventory for the most attractive net income.
Why use a professional versus doing it yourself?
First, a professional takes most of the guesswork and physical labor off your hands. Once Is Never Enough has years of experience and a solid team that knows how to research and properly price items to sell to interested dealers and consumers. We know how to display for visual impact, and to accommodate foot traffic. We know how to deal with the public in a warm, gracious and professional manner.
In addition, proper advertising is key. A Craigslist ad coupled with a local classified isn't enough to attract customer volume. Once Is Never Enough has one of the largest marketing networks and we communicate constantly with interested customers to ensure they may purchase items they are interested in.
What do you need to do?
The only job of yours is to pore through belongings and make a "keep" and "sell" list. Those family members who want items should take them away as soon as possible, leaving you with those you will keep and those you will sell. All furnishings and larger items to be kept will be marked prominently in blue tape as "NFS" or "not for sale." Smaller items should be squirreled away in one room that will be securely taped off.
Unless it's truly worthless -- plastic containers, broken items, etc. -- don't throw away things that are useful.
How does OINE work with you?
First is the consultation -- which is free. We talk about your needs, your time frame, and tour the home or estate, taking photographs to create the basis of our advertising. We also serve to teach you what to expect, about pricing (very important), and how you may have the best experience with us possible. We may also present post-open house cleanout/sale concepts and will customize a post-event program that suits you best.
What is reasonable to expect?
There will be leftovers. Meaning, you will not sell absolutely everything. This is just the law of demand. Also, customer negotiations for lower prices is very common. Lowering prices on the second day of the sale to push inventory out the door is also a common practice.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 360.
People will be touring your home and we understand that this may be a bit uncomfortable. You are welcome to be at home during the sale; many of our clients have found themselves enjoying conversations with customers.
Contact us!
Please feel free to call us at
732-216-5217 TEXT for fastest reply!
email us whyonlyonce@gmail.com and friend us on Facebook, Once Is Never Enough NJ. Note: we will always return your inquiry within 24 hours.