Haar's Auction
Check dates for upcoming auctions.
Restaurant and auction doors
open at 5:00.
Sale begins at 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. on porches weather permitting.
Stage starts @ 6:30 p.m. Auction consists of three auction rings,
one room with dishes individual smalls, one room with
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 3179.
box lot/tools and one room with furniture/etc.
Selling house lots, estates and other consignments.
Computerized auction.
Terms: Cash or good pre-approved PA Check.
Haar's Auction has been in
business for over 65+ years, now under the third
generations management.
We have a new auction gallery for specialty sales.
We offer free consultation, appraisals, pick up items, sale at our location or on-site at yours, give us a call for all your auction needs
Auction House phone 717-432-8246 or
Auctioneers phone 717-432-3779.