A TO Z & IN BETWEEN SALES offers items at online auctions. We sell household, antiques, furniture, collectibles, sports cards, gems, comic books, and everything from A TO Z!
We pride ourselves on providing the best experience for both the seller and the buyer.
Whether the seller consigns one item or an entire estate, they sit back and let us do the work. All they have to do is cash the check.
We take pictures of all angles of the item so the buyer is able to get a complete picture of the item. We list detailed descriptions.
When buyers pick up their items from our building, it is sorted for them. There is no hunting for the things like picking up from other auctions. If the buyer needs shipping, we make the process streamlined and simple.
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 2219.
Quote from an out-of-state buyer: "I deal with hundreds of auction companies and this transaction was quick, easy, & I'm impressed." -- Je B.
Quote from buyer and consigner: "A to Z is the best auction company around, hands down! They take excellent photos of all items, and have very good descriptions."
Quote from a buyer: "They're honest and accurate description of products. They are very helpful and nice."