We are both a personal property appraisal and an estate sale firm. On the appraisal side, we work for individuals, business, and government entities. We are able to provide insurance value, estate value (for death, donation, or divorce), resale value, permanent loss of value (for theft, fire, smoke, or water damage), and bankruptcy value. We travel long distance for many appraisals, especially for large collections or to provide Permanent Loss of Value (PLV) appraisals.
The estate sale part of our business has developed steadily over 48 years. People ask us for different services because they have different needs. Most of the time we do sales on the premises, meaning in the house or apartment where the items are located. Other times, we pick up and move items to our 4,400 sqft warehouse. Some clients deliver to us to sell on their behalf. For other clients, we pick up the items. There is a pickup and a storage charge if we do so. We sell at 30% commission and ask for a 3-month contract during which time we keep offering the items at gradually discounted prices until sold. At the end of the period we donate unsold items or our clients are welcome to take them back. We also sell items on ebay and through the "items for sale" subsection of our website ("itemsofvalueinc).
We are known for fair prices and good displays because we endeavor to recreate original room settings. We usually have time to do minor repairs and clean items in order to fetch a better price. Our clients always thank us for this as well as for providing a good time at our sales. We are selling more "collections" of items now, some of which we sell through ebay or other on-line companies. Collections have included over 1,300 autographs, over 200 PreColumbian ceramics, over 3,300 vintage CDs, political and military memorabilia coming to us from now retired personages, antique books and manuscripts, Asian pre-20th century objects. We also sell a great deal of sterling silver flatware and fine jewelry.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 315.