All In The Family Estate Sales, LLC is a full service estate sale company liquidating and clearing the items you no longer need, getting it show ready and ultimately selling your home.”
All In The Family Estate Sales provides the ease of selling your from start to finish. Starting with a no-charge consult, this will determine what is best for you. Whether it be an estate sale, clean-out or just a deep clean. If an estate sale is warranted, then all the leftover items will be cleaned, tagged and organized for sale. Then the sale will be advertised on and social media. An email notification is sent to over 1500 customers in our email database. Following the sale, everything will be cleaned-out and donate what is possible, then end with a deep clean of the home top to bottom to get it show-ready.
If a clean-out is warranted, then an assessment is made as to what items can be sold right away. The rest is donated if possible and the garbage will be taken to a dump site. Should the client need a real estate agent to sell the home, the company has an agent/broker on staff to complete the project, start to finish.
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 2118.
Need only a deep clean? Each room is cleaned top to bottom. Light fixtures, fans, interior of closets, baseboards, bathrooms, windows-inside, tops of doors, vacuum, wipe cabinets inside and out, sinks, mirrors, stove, and refrigerator inside and out. Basement and garage are shop-vac.
Serving all of SE Wisconsin
"Liquidate your e$tate, and keep it ALL in the family!"
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