estate sale3 day sale 8 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 will be available after 5:00am on Friday, March 21st, 2025. The approximate location is: Bob Hope and Frank Sinatra
Mar 21
9am to 4pm
Mar 22
9am to 3pm
Mar 23
9am to 2pm

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PLEASE NOTE: THIS SALE IS CASH OR ZELLE. Absolutely no credit cards, checks or Venmo. Plan accordin...
 Description & Details

THIS IS THE SALE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! There is truly something for everyone! Our owner was an estate sale junkie (sound familiar??? ha) and bought so much it's hard to fathom. There are some real treasures in this home. -womens clothes. We counted at least 2,000 pieces -colored glass collection, mostly 80s -womens shoes, accessories, SUNGLASSES (like 200+ pair), scarves, hats, purses, furs -jewelry, jewelry, jewelry! Costume, silver, Navajo, turquoise, gold, acrylic. We haven't started going through yet but looks to be over 1,000 pieces. -furniture from armoires to MCM -Asian ceramics, jade, furniture, jewelry, home decor -outdoor...

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