Estate Sale with Antiques, Furniture, Collections

estate sale2 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Ellicott City, MD 21042 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 27th, 2025.
Mar 28
1pm to 4pm
Mar 29
9am to 11am

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Cash Only. Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents.
 Description & Details

Fantastic Estate Sale with antique furniture ie. sofa, wingbacks, step back cabinets; 30+ decoy ducks, 60+ Royal Dalton Figures, huge stamp collections, 100's of books, vintage crocks and kitchen tools, kitchen items, china, pool table, and much more!  Dunloggin neighborhood, Friday1-4p, Saturday 9-11am.  No early birds or inquiries.  We will be very busy getting ready for you!  

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