Hundreds of Tools, Comics, Jewelry, Trains

estate sale2 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Raleigh, NC 27603 will be available after 9:00pm on Friday, April 4th, 2025.
Apr 5
9am to 2pm
Apr 6
10am to 2pm

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BRENDA TEXT ONLY 919-271-8061

 Description & Details

This is a Part 2 for this location! 95% of the items are new to this sale! There are over 800 Comic books from the 50s-70s. Archie, Marvel, DC, Gold key, Charlton, Disney. Military, Ghost/Horror, Westerns, Hot Rods, Drag-n-wheels, Blondie, super heroes. More., Lionel Trains Men's and Women's Vintage and antique jewelry. 200 Watches. Men's cufflinks, tie clips and watches. Many boxes of new and used canning jars and canners. Plumbing and electrical supplies, new and vintage. Vintage door pulls and knobs, switch plates. Antique Oil Lanterns Antique fishing poles and reels Minolta Camera and Accessories in Bag Antique and...

Berry Organized

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