online only auction1 day sale 18 days away
  • Location East Syracuse, NY 13057

Sale Starts

Mar 22

Sale Ends

Mar 22
Lot of Sterling Handled Pieces & Candlestick Set

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 Description & Details

EXCEPTIONAL ESTATE AUCTION: FINE ART, PORCELAIN, STERLING, LIGHTING, ESTATE JEWELRY, LEADED & STAINED GLASS, PERIOD FURNITURE, EPHEMERA, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY, MILITARY, ANTIQUES & UNIQUES! Large Collection of Fine Artwork, Rembrandt, Renoir, Dali, Listed Artists / Early Oils on Canvas,Etchings, Woodblocks, Watercolors, Sculptures, Bronze, Lithos, Period Furniture: Americana & Neoclassic French ? Lighting (Tiffany Style, Art Deco, Art Noveau, Oil Lamps, Alabaster) - Stained glass Lighting & Leaded Glass Windows - Asian- Oriental Carpets - Sterling (Tiffany & Co) - Crystal (Baccarat, Waterford & Swarovski) - Porcelain (Large Collection of Herend, Dresden, Cybis, Boehm, Limoges, Lladro) - - Art Glass - Estate...

Auctions & Estate Sales By Terri Peters And Associates

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